Your function space can be more profitable.
AI-Powered business intelligence & revenue management for meetings, events, and group business.
Don’t neglect Meeting and Events Revenue Optimisation
It is the largest and most profitable revenue stream that isn’t optimized
Decisions are almost always based on gut-feel
Meeting and events optimization is complex
Meeting Intelligence for Meetings & Events
It's impossible to navigate in the dark. Get into MoRe switches the light on and helps you turn data into action. The solution is integrated with your Sales & Catering Management System and provides highly user-friendly analytics about demand, performance, granular conversion, segmentation, revenue streams, meeting room performance, lead time and much more. MoRe eliminates all blind spots and empowers teams to take data-driven decisions on a daily basis.
Automated Meeting & Events Revenue Management System.
Function Space inventory management is best described as a high-stakes game of Tetris. It's an everyday challenge to fill the available space in the most profitable way, leaving as little rooms empty as possible. MAX makes the puzzle for you. The AI is trained to predict the likelihood of receiving more profitable inquiries than the one sitting on your desk right now. The output is based on a simple traffic light principle: If you get a green light, you send out an offer. If you get a red light, something better will come along. The result is a situation where no opportunities are missed.
"Often we have to work for systems, but in the case of Get Into More it works for us!"
Michael ten Brink
Commercial Director Netherlands
Room Mate Hotels
Our Mission